Another lovely sunset view from Rick and Tami's Island House
Sunday and Monday were brilliant, sparkling days with a sweet breeze, and it was a welcome respite after such a busy Saturday. Bob awoke with his back in less than fine form, so after finishing his cleaning chores from Saturday, he took it easy.
He made a Crab, Tomato and Jack Omelet for breakfast, Yum Yum! (Joe, you'll get them next trip for sure!)
Monday afternoon Brenda Hinson and George and Charlotte came down for an afternoon at the river. Charlotte arrived with juicy steaks, potatoes and salads. We had fresh bread, grilled shrimp and strawberries with pound cake, for a delicious dinner on the deck with a sweet breeze.
We sat outside, just talking and enjoying the lovely night until almost 9 PM. It was so nice to spend some time with Brenda (she's one of the original "Pink Sisters" and I miss her so much!). There've been alot of good times shared together in the past and she's such a joy to be with.
We've spent many a summer afternoon on the deck with C & G just conversing and enjoying the breeze and it was fun to spend another one! They are great friends, wonderful folks, and we always love it when they are at the river with us! Rick and Tami stopped by to sit and chat awhile, after cleaning their boat, as well as Carol Jean and Leonard. This is our favorite thing about being at the river (or being out in the RV)...folks just stopping by to chat and share a cool drink and the breeze. There is no better way to spend an afternoon! Bob, Brenda, George, Charlotte
There's been a change in plans; my Mom is not doing well, so instead of heading to Maryland (Tiff's House) before going on to Indiana and Ohio, we'll go West to Roanoke and spend the next week or so (longer if necessary) helping to care for Mom. We've cancelled our plans for the Chapter 51 Rally in Bloomington, but hope to still make it to Nick's Rally. It's been so nice to have this past week to recover from all the "moving" work. Most likely the next few weeks will not be about things so pleasant as this last one.
Hope you're not tired of the sunset photos from the river, 'cause here's a few more. We never tire of the gorgeous sunsets here, and the last two days were off the charts in the beauty of them. There's a mandate here..."Sunsets are observed"....so here's the observation at it's best!
Big hugs to everyone!
Hi Molly & Bob,
I love the pictures of the sunsets. What a beautiful place. It looks like you are enjoying your stay there. The seafood looks delicious.
We are sorry to hear about you Mom. I hope she will be feeling better soon. We'll say lots of prayers and send them her way.
Hope Kristy is doing OK. Please keep us posted on her progress.
Hugs to both of you......Pat and Mike
Hugs back and keep the sunsets coming...Thanks for the trip to your world.
Sherri and Joe
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