Monday, October 6, 2008

Is any one tired of "Political Correctness"?

Carlyle's huge and lovely Amish Astor

October 6th was a laid back day here in Elkhart, but it seems there was a lot happening in New York, once Jim Cramer yelled "Sell, sell!" on the Today show, Wall Street took off on it's downhill tumble. Did anyone really expect anything different? The bailout will not bring the answer until individuals and businesses return to sound financial practices, and that is going to be a long, bumpy road. Too bad he didn't yell "Sell" about a month ago!! Hindsight is always 20/20!!

I only wish you'd hear them (pundits, candidates and talk show hosts) begin to talk about some of the origins of relaxing the Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae standards. No one will mention the lobbying by the Democratic Black Caucus, strongly supported by Barrack Hussein O'Bama, as well as other Democrats and Republicans (it was the Politically Correct thing to do), for the loosening of credit standards in order for minorities and the poor to obtain mortgages for homes. Don't get me wrong, I want to see everyone have the chance to own a home.....what possible difference could color or race make??? If you have saved your down payment and proven yourself credit worthy, then you deserve the credit opportunity. If, on the other hand, you have not yet managed these items, why in the world would anyone want to risk investing in your home? And since when did the ability to obtain a mortgage for a home become a "right"? I was under the assumption that it was something we all "earned" in some fashion or another. I subscribe to the "responsibilities" regime and reject the "entitlement" theory. The only thing we're really entitled to is the right to show responsibility for ourselves and our loved ones. Nope, you won't hear this in the News media, because it is not Politcally Correct to talk about the "mess" in these terms. Seems like Political Correctness has dampened the future for our kids, and any children they may have, for a long time to come.

And on the other end of the spectrum, the corruption and greed of the CEO's and Exec's of the mortgage brokers is unacceptable. They KNEW they were extending loans with poor prognosis of repayment...but what did they care??? Their fees and costs were collected up front, (almost to the point of extortion) and the loans were then sold to investors with the guarantee of Freddie and Fannie to bail them out....Oops, big mistake when you make bad loans by the billions!! Of course, they "took the money and ran" away from the lousy loans they'd been not only allowed, but encouraged, to make at the behest of our legislators. Politically Correct legislators, no less!

I, for one, am tired of Political Correctness, and think we need a little more Personal Responsibility in this great old country of ours.

My apologies if I offended anyone who reads the blog today. No offense intended to anyone, and Big Hugs to everyone!!


JB said...

You sure won't get any argument from me, you're comments make sense on either side of our border.

LeBron said...

In your list of supporters to the just passed law why did you leave out John Hitler McCain. He voted YES too.

Speedy said...

Don't forget the level playing field they have created in education. This too will come up one day to haunt us! You are so right and then we all set back and do nothing...just elect the same old faces back in and hope for a different outcome??? Political correctness is vote getting for some. Not that they believe in just gets votes and so you have it...that is what it is all about...getting re elected. Nothing about you and I and fullfilling the needs of the American people just get the votes and the money... Please free me from this and put me on the road so my remaining days can be spent enjoying what is left of this great nation....

Joe and Sherri

Randy and Terry said...

I'm with you on this!! So tired of all of it. I would love to hear politicians tell me what they are going to do instead of what the "other guy" can't do. I'm still on the side of honesty and straight talk.

Anonymous said...

You are right on track. In addition to the billions for Wall Street, there was 112 B of pork. How about the 6M for manufacturers of wooden arrows for children?, 10M for film and movie production, 126M for auto racing? 192M for Rum Producers in Puerto Rico?
I also was disappointed that John McCain voted for the bailout. This is just adding to the problem.

weaverworks said...

Becareful what you wish for! I can't see how electing McCain is going to change anything. He'd like you to believe that, but check his record! And Phalin....yeah, she's ready to lead this country.

Anonymous said...

Is anybody out there paying attention at all. How in the world can the greatest country in the world with the greatest people in the world be in this melt down. How can an absolute socialist with no accomplishments in life, be a viable candidate for President of the United States of America? How can supposedly intelligent people elect idiots like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to congress and their absurd party makes them leaders? Our county was built on the successes of those who earned it. Now we want to penalize those whose hard work, sacrifice, good decisions and drive have made them someone to admire. If everyone gets the same no matter what they accomplish, why bother, why strive to succeed. We tolerate a completely biased media who controls the minds of the many without the ability to think for themselves. Are we going to stand around and let our wonderful country disintegrate before our very eyes or are going to stand up, unite and dig ourselves out of this hole with hard work, good decisions and grit. The government cannot solve our problems, we must solve them ourselves and it is time to begin.