the gals sit on the "mat" and discuss very important things (absolutely NO gossip allowed here !:))..... hold the power cord whilst the MH gets repositioned........
or at least the USA....following sunny days and warm nights across this beautiful country.
the gals sit on the "mat" and discuss very important things (absolutely NO gossip allowed here !:)).....
One of the "cottages" on Birch Lake
Despite being up early every day, so the techs could take our rigs into the shop, we had a terrific time in Elkhart. Norah was redecorating her rig, so we spent many fun days shopping for her new sleeper, chair rail, rugs and fabrics. We made visits to our favorite Amish wood worker, Carlisle Lehman, to have new oak valances installed for them and ate untold wonderful meals together. Breakfasts at the Bravo Cafe and Amish Do-nuts and coffee in Middlebury and Shipshewana were a regular routine!!! Then we had to walk off the calories and play some cut-throat games of Hand and Foot every evening!!!
Howie's Birthday dinner ...Hey, where's Howie?
The Motorhome made it into the paint booth to get some little "blems" or boo-boo's removed and Bob was a happy guy. They have a first class, state-of-the-art paint bay at Duncan, and Vinnie, the lead paint tech is amazing. They worked until after 10 PM on the MH on Monday evening, just to have it ready for us to leave on Tuesday.Bob is "inspecting" in the Paint Booth!!
We got our items finished up, and along with Norah and Howie, made up our little convoy on Tuesday, heading to Celina for the Gypsy Journal Rally. Arriving around 4 PM it was great to be greeted by Nick and Ron and Brenda, then Keith and Donna had our spots waiting for us in the Back Forty! John and Doni, Linda and Ron, and Barb and Bob were already there also, so we got parked and set up....ready to start the pre-Rally and have some fun!!! Donna made a huge Lasagna for everyone and so we had to.....what else???.....EAT!!! It was a great beginning to a fun Rally!!
We just love this area of the country, and love these folks and good friends... we are grateful, and looking forward to this Rally week or so!!! Even though there is some rain in the forecast, it will be a good time together!! Hugs to everyone...wish you all were here!! :)
Mike, Rick, Bob...Tami modeling her "grass lei skirt" and Kay
You may visit Keith's blog at
He was more diligent than I, and has documented this last wonderful week of summer quite well!
I must have been busy chasing the clams!! :-)
It's been such a joy having Donna and Keith here this week....we sure hope they'll find their way this far East again!! Hugs to everyone....looking forward to seeing a bunch of you in Celina very soon!