Well, time sure flies....hard to believe it is the first of July already.
We have been busy having fun with our "jobs" here at Escapade. Bob is having way too much doing his duties here, most of which take place in, on or around a golf cart. :)
It really is a lot of fun....my "job" is to ride around in the cart and give a lift to folks who are walking between buildings on the Cam-Plex here. It is a very large complex, so they have provided trams, shuttles and our rides on the golf carts, to assist people in getting from building to building.
I look for people who might have a cane, or are walking a little more slowly than others, and offer them a ride to their next destination. This is ever so much more fun than real "work"!!! You sure meet the nicest people. Yesterday I gave a ride to a lady from Maryland (just across the river from us), who grew up in Roanoke and whose mother resides in a retirement complex in Roanoke....too funny!!! (For those who don't know, I also was born in Roanoke and my mother moved back there and lives in a retirement complex (Friendship Manor)in Roanoke.) We both enjoyed the story and laughed at our similarities.
The photos today are of an interesting exhibit in the vendor hall. A couple here restore and repair RV's and this is their personal trailer, a vintage 1965 restored Shasta. It is really cute and they have a true "1960's" display, right down to the brightly colored aluminum tumblers and pitcher, out of which we all drank our grape Kool-Aid!

The weather is just lovely...every morning and evening feels crisp like fall, and the mid-day warms up to just about hot. We turned the AC on for the first time yesterday afternoon for a little while, but we really could have managed well without it. The best part....NO HUMDITY!!!! It still feels cool at 85!!
So we are alive and well in Gillette, Wyoming.
Hugs to everyone!
Met you in Branson. So glad to hear the good news about your niece. I continue to keep her in my prayers.
Enjoying your blog. Sounds like you are having so much fun.
Hope to see you again someday.
Arlene (Leno)
Sure does look like Bob is "working" hard!
We miss you!
Hi, Finally getting 'round to viewing your website. Good news about your niece! Looks like you are having fun at the rally. We are in Howard, CO at Pleasant Valley RV Park and enjoying it. Jim and Ellie recommended this park and it's great! Small and friendly. Lynda and Bob (slowgypsy) from Branson. I don't understand how the identity comes up as Bob. Amazing this technology stuff!
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