Since there are always too many meals and too much food, some of the gals found it necessary to "peddle" the leftovers.......
And it was suggested recently in a comment in Nick's Blog, by a Non RV'er, that we RV'ers are "holdover flower children with gray hair and tie-dye clothes" here you go...........
Donna models her version of the "tie-dyed shirt"..... and most of us do a pretty good job of hiding the grey hair....not too sure about the flower child part...but we sure are having fun! Some people JUST DON"T GET IT!!! Thanks Donna for making that tie-dyed stuff look good!!!
Now it wasn't all fun and games and eating....well, it was A LOT of that, but the seminar schedule was full and interesting!! Chris and Jim Guld, of Geeks on Tour, presented their usual informative sessions on computer usage for the traveler! I always learn something new and enjoy their presentations. There were also cooking classes, seminars on volunteering in State and Federal Parks, and lots more. There was even one on "The First 48 hours After Death".....I didn't attend this one...not sure where they're getting their info from!! :)
A few photos of some of the folks who were there.......
Chuck and Kathy....
Rich and Mary
Terry and Rick
Donna and Kieth
Deb and Russ
Linda and Ron
There is always lots to look forward to when it's time for a Rally....and always a little sad when we depart...but we know it won't be long until we're meeting again; there's always a Gathering or a Rally or a Reunion in the works. Thanks for the memories guys!!
It was a great time. Can't wait for the next one. Love your posts they are so good. Hugs, Kathy
Thanks for sharing all the pictures from the rally. Looks like you guys had too much fun. Maybe we should plan for the next one.
Hugs to you both.
Yes, you guys are having way too much fun.. Certainly hope we can make one of these rally's next time around..
Look forward to seeing both of you again.
Love Rallies and it looks like you guys had a great time at this one... Hopefully like i said so many times I hope one day to make it to this one... Have a great day!
Travel Safe
Thank you for the great pictures of your travels. My husband and I are looking to do some travels of our own soon as he gets to retire next year. We try to find as much on the internet as we can about RVing. We love every chance we get to go now. I look forward to more of your updates.
Have any room for a cross dresser? Boy now that would go with the flower children real good. I think I still have some tie died skirts somewhere...
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