Sunday, November 23, 2008

A visit to Scott and Tiff's

Friday I picked up Kristy's two middle children, Kristen and Trey, from school and we took a little road trip up to Catonsville to spend the weekend with my favorite daughter and son-in-law, Tiff and Scott. Bob stayed at the farm to help Paul with some weekend projects that they wanted to get done.

This was to be our coldest weekend yet, down in the twenties, with the promise of snow flurries and wind....yuck! Luckily, the motorhome fares pretty well in the cold department....but it still fares much better in the seventies!!! :0!

It's always a treat to spend time at Tiff and Scott's, and Scott wanted to take Trey duck and goose hunting, so the boys got up at 3:40 AM and headed off to Delaware to the goose hunting grounds. The temperature was hovering in the twenties, but they were dressed warmly, and we girls were staying in the house to do "girl things!!

Kristen and Tiff making cookies
Dixie wearing her winter coat!
Kristen lounging around with Dixie

The hunters are ready to go! (Trey and Scott)

In the afternoon we went to the National Aquarium in Baltimore to see the marine life. This is a wonderful exhibit and was a great deal of fun.

Here's a photo of Trey observing one of the fish exhibits.

And below is a huge Tiger Shark.......

and here's a group of ray's swimming in the tank......

It was a great weekend with the kids...mine and Kristy's! The only way it would be better is to be seventy degrees!!
It will be a busy week coming up...Turkey Day is this week, and Thanksgiving is one of my very favorite holidays. Normally, we cook all week and have a huge feast, but this year I'm not cooking....I won't know what to do with myself! :)
Big hugs to everyone!

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