A visit to Maine means waking to invigorating morning temps laced with balsam fir and sea breezes, picking blueberries on the hills covered with the berry bushes, eating fresh lobsters at the seaside pounds, and just feeling refreshed with the bright and lovely skies.
Looking out over the many vistas around Penobscot Bay, where flowers bloom abundantly and the loons and gulls drift over the water just makes you want to stay forever.....well, maybe not forever, but at least for a while longer.....as long as there is no SNOW in the forecast!!
Cool blue water and refreshing blue skies over the Penobscot Bay
And then there are Lobster Bakes........and the one at Searsport Shores Campground is amazing!We met Jeff and Neal, and Jeff's Mom and Step-Dad, Doris and Ron at Searsport Shores and have been sharing some wicked - good meals! The Lobster bake on Saturday night left us all stuffed full of Lobsters, Mussels, steamers (clams), steamed corn, potatoes, onions, homemade rolls, and even a huge blueberry-peach cobbler cooked in the biggest DutchOven we've ever seen in the hot coals!!
A traditional Maine seaside Lobster bake at Searsport Shores Campground!
The hot fire with lobsters, clams, mussels and corn in wet seaweed under the oil cloth, with potatoes and onions baking alon
gside.....blueberry cobbler in the Dutch Oven at the edge of the coals!
There have also been several visits to Young's Lobster pound, to select Lobsters, Mussells, and Steamers from their tanks in the pound, and watch them steam the seafood in their huge vats.......
The huge brick steaming vat at Young's!
UmUm...Good...steamed corn with lobsters and butter!
Yum Yum!!!!
Doris, Ron, Molly and Bob in Searsport
Next week we will head up to Bangor to meet Norah and Howie at the Chapter 3 Lobster Rally....mmmm....more lobster and buddies to share them with!!
Hi you guys, Wow, did your journal ever make my mouth water! We absolutely MUST get to Maine. The only two states I have not been in are Maine and North Dakota. I can't think of a good reason to visit ND but Maine is a MUST!
Thanks for a "Delicious" blog today!
Hugs to both of you,
Ed & Marilyn
Hey Dreamers...good to see that you are having fun on the East Coast. Sherri and I are exploring here in East Texas under a cloudy sky and lower temps...thank heavens. Stay safe and keep the adventure coming.
Oh my am I jealous! My all time favorite food is lobster and I get it once a year on my birthday from Red Lobster. I can't wait to get to Maine! Have fun and enjoy.
Awww, I love Maine and I love the lobster.. Miss it so much. That is the one drawback of us leaving New England. Have some for us..please!
Enjoy every moment.
We hope to get up there to Maine one year. I really want that lobster!!
Debbie & Rod
Glad you guys are enjoying my childhood stomping grounds. I grew up in Belfast and my brother still lives in the house we grew up in. We'll be there right after labor day and will partake in some of them lobsters (if you leave us any). The Penobscot bay area is one of the prettiest areas in the country and I just love it when I see our cyber friends enjoying themselves in the area. Hope you enjoy Maine (and, oh yes, leave us some blueberries too!).
Glad you guys are enjoying my childhood stomping grounds. I grew up in Belfast and my brother still lives in the house we grew up in. We'll be there right after labor day and will partake in some of them lobsters (if you leave us any). The Penobscot bay area is one of the prettiest areas in the country and I just love it when I see our cyber friends enjoying themselves in the area. Hope you enjoy Maine (and, oh yes, leave us some blueberries too!).
Hi you guys, glad you are enjoying the lobster and seafood in Maine. Thanks to your tip, we stopped at Young's Lobster Pound when we went through there in May. We also stayed in Pumpkin Patch before heading to Vermont. We couldn't make the Maine rally but plan to do the New York rally in Sept. If you come through Vermont stop for a visit.
Great entry! We love the pic of the wild blueberries,(And of course the lobster).
Hi! I was thinking of you and decided to see what you and Bob have been up to. It looks like you have been very busy traveling around. I enjoyed checking out your blog. I get an email from Lou every now and then and think of you guys as well. I am glad that you are both getting to travel and see so many cool places. I will have to tell you about my most recent adventure later. Take care! Melody
Enjoy some of that Losbter for me. Next week, I guess we will be about as far Northwest and you are Northeast. LOL
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