Sure enough, approaching the water's edge, I first noticed the Heron that flew to a large pile of brush, lingering there....
...then I saw his mate, perched high atop the platform above the waters' edge....
...she waited, patiently there, as he flew back and forth from the brush pile to the perch...
each flight bringing another twig with which to feather their nest.
She moved hardly at all, staying very still atop the growing nest, as he slowly and surely,
continued with the nest building.
We have loved to watch the Herons over the years, living on the River,
but we've never seen anything like the little drama that unfolded this morning.
It seemed pretty clear that his lady was ready to lay her eggs, as soon as he finished their little nest, and he was working diligently to make sure this was going to happen.
Amazingly, I had left my camera behind this morning, and I rushed back to the park, collecting it, and Karen treked back with me, to capture their ritual with our cameras!!!
Then, we finished our walk and headed out to Aransas Beach....Oh, the things in Rockport that we will miss!!!
Thanks for taking the time and making the effort to share this event with us.
As I've told you before, I love to see things through your eyes - WB
So very cool that you got to witness such a loving event! Thanks for sharing it!
Beautiful story and wonderful pictures... Thanks for the great post! Have a super day & travel safe!!!
Loved the photos of the nesting Herons.
I remember one time while we were kayaking we heard some very loud squawking coming from up above. It turned out to be a nest with baby Heron's in it. You never heard such a racket! They were wanting to be fed I guess. I managed to get a few pictures of them. It's too bad you won't be around to see them hatch.
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