We left the river about 7:30 Tuesday morning, heading to Roanoke to be with my mom (Grannie), who had been quite ill the previous week. She has had heart valve and hypertrophy issues for several years now and has been declining greatly the last two years, so we knew there could be serious problems.
Grannie is a tenacious woman, getting up and out every morning, refusing to lay down, even when having little breath to get around. She's like the Energizer bunny and just keeps plodding along.
But this time she was having severe kidney issues, with one completely shut down, and the Aortic Stenosis in her valve had worsened, so her "stuff" was just wearing out and winding down.
My sister, Brenda, had been staying with her from Friday until Tuesday and she had gotten progressively worse. I stayed with her from Tuesday until Friday night, when my sister, KK, arrived and cared for her over the weekend. That was about a 96 hour day as she was declining so rapidly. I now know what true sleep deprivation feels like! On Thursday, she was admitted to Hospice care and we have had a great doctor and nurses. They have been very good to her, and so helpful to us.
Mom is now sleeping peacefully and we are keeping her comfortable and caring for her at home....she told us to never put her in a nursing home, so we will take care of her, with the help of the nurses, as long as she is here. They have her on morphine and it is only a matter of time for her now, but she is not suffering.

Grannie and I at the Rose Garden in June
We cancelled our plans to be at the Chapter 51 Rally in Bloomington, and we will most likely have to cancel for our Class pre-rally in Celina and possibly Nick's Rally too. We'll miss it, but we are where we need to be at this time.
Hugs to everyone, and many thanks for your calls and emails!
My thoughts and prayers are with you!!!
We are praying for your family.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to you..May she rest in peace....
God Bless
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