The first order was to decorate the golf cart for the evening parade. Tropical Island was the theme; fun was the driving factor! Linda and Charlie Moore provided lots of festive "blow-ups"; we had pink flamengos, parrots, palm trees, tropical fish and more! The decorating proceeded, as we huffed and puffed our way thru the blow-ups and before you knew it, there was a delightful, fun-looking cart, all decked out in parade finery! What a fun and whimsical activity....we don't do this nearly often enough!!

They huffed and they puffed.. Linda, Charlie and Bob

The big pots were set up, potatoes cleaned and all the other goodies were staged for the cooking of the pot to begin. It turned out to be the hottest day of the week and it was humid too, so fans were on the job to help out. The weather has been just lovely for the last ten days,, so the heat was a little surprise, but it was all good....at least there was no rain!
Bob layered the first clams and potatoes at 2:30 and continued with the layers of chicken, carrots, onions, sweet corn, shrimp and crab legs, cooking until 4:30 when the pot was ceremoniously dumped on the paper covered serving table!! Not only is the Clam Bake delicious, it's just as pretty as a postcard when freshly dumped for serving!!

We always enjoy doing the Clam Bake, and especially so at the river. In addition, there were lots of wonderful pot-luck dishes, cooked up by our good Southern cooks. Charlotte Jenkins made her famous potato salad which I love! Carol Jean is required to bring the Banana Pudding; Martin and Sue's Crab Dip--which is the best you'll ever have, and of course, lots of Spoon Bread with butter!
Charlotte and George

Everett and Big Ed Lewis
It was a wonderful day with good friends. We are so fortunate to share this little bit of river island with some really great people. The terrific folks who bought our river house several years ago, Rick and Tami, are just great guys, and we are happy to know them, and to see them love and enjoy the river as we did. They were gracious hosts for our Clam Bake, and along with their house guests, worked really hard to make it special. Charlie and Linda Moore are great neighbors also, who helped tremendously. And our dear, sweet Evelyn. She keeps us busy, keeping her out of trouble, and she laughs and teases with us constantly and brings so much joy to all of us.
And of course, our own Ed and Meaker, who we have loved from the first day we met them. They share much love and kindness with everyone, and we have shared so many good times with them. We are truly thankful for alot of good memories. Good buddies Carol Jean and Leonard who we just couldn't do without. CJ's smile and Leonard's stories and jokes always brighten the day. Jennifer and Dale and Jerry and Suzy are our kind hosts for so many island events and especially the "Tiki Hut", we appreciate them more than they know! Pauline and Lynwood and Rick and Paula, and their little island girl, Cameron, whom I am sure will grow up to be president of something wonderful one day.....we are blessed to know each one of them.
Ed and Meaker

Bob and Doug dump the pot

We always enjoy doing the Clam Bake, and especially so at the river. In addition, there were lots of wonderful pot-luck dishes, cooked up by our good Southern cooks. Charlotte Jenkins made her famous potato salad which I love! Carol Jean is required to bring the Banana Pudding; Martin and Sue's Crab Dip--which is the best you'll ever have, and of course, lots of Spoon Bread with butter!

It was so good to have Linda and Everett Hinson back here at the river....it's been a year since we spent our last weekend together here and had our usual jolly good time. Three weeks later he suffered a massive stroke and has been confined to a wheelchair since, with very limited ability to talk. We have had so much fun and adventure with these two...we miss all of our good times, travels, and mis-adventures with them. Linda brought him down in the wheelchair so they could enjoy the Clam Bake. She has also been sick, so they have had rather a rough time of it this past year. It was great to have them here for a little while.
We never know what tomorrow will bring to any of us, so please remember to be grateful for each day we have, to enjoy doing the things we love to do!
We never know what tomorrow will bring to any of us, so please remember to be grateful for each day we have, to enjoy doing the things we love to do!

Everett and Big Ed Lewis
It was a wonderful day with good friends. We are so fortunate to share this little bit of river island with some really great people. The terrific folks who bought our river house several years ago, Rick and Tami, are just great guys, and we are happy to know them, and to see them love and enjoy the river as we did. They were gracious hosts for our Clam Bake, and along with their house guests, worked really hard to make it special. Charlie and Linda Moore are great neighbors also, who helped tremendously. And our dear, sweet Evelyn. She keeps us busy, keeping her out of trouble, and she laughs and teases with us constantly and brings so much joy to all of us.
And of course, our own Ed and Meaker, who we have loved from the first day we met them. They share much love and kindness with everyone, and we have shared so many good times with them. We are truly thankful for alot of good memories. Good buddies Carol Jean and Leonard who we just couldn't do without. CJ's smile and Leonard's stories and jokes always brighten the day. Jennifer and Dale and Jerry and Suzy are our kind hosts for so many island events and especially the "Tiki Hut", we appreciate them more than they know! Pauline and Lynwood and Rick and Paula, and their little island girl, Cameron, whom I am sure will grow up to be president of something wonderful one day.....we are blessed to know each one of them.

Thanks for taking us along,it looks like a good time was had by all.
Love Ya
Beautiful Sunset!!! Wish I was there for the bake.
Joe and Sherri
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