Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Going to Richmond....

Well, tonight I'm going to board the old #30 Capitol Limited train here in South Bend and go to Richmond. Probably should have gone on Sunday, but I'm going tonight!! The train is a joy to ride and it's so much easier than getting to Chicago, then flying to Dallas and back to Richmond. And I can get off in Ashland, just a couple of miles from KK's house.

It's Brrrrr...cold here and there are a few flakes flying around, but it's supposed to be in the 60's tomorrow. Hope it's warmer in Richmond!

I'm not going to take the laptop, but maybe Bob can be persuaded to do a post or two and let us know how things are going here. They did get all the awnings installed and they look really great!! Yeah for progress! Hopefully he'll get to be on the road by Friday (or sooner!).

Hugs to everyone!

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