Saturday, January 5, 2008

Picking oranges in the grove....

Saturday brought a little overcast to the skies, as the cold and snowy weather moved into Northern California and Sierra Nevadas. The temps in Yuma and the Foothills were still pleasant.

We've located the Wal-mart and grocery stores, etc and run a few errands. Then Jo & Jim suggested we go pick oranges (tangelos) at a little family owned grove. So off we went, picking up Ron & Linda, and arriving at Mr. McCullogh's Tangelo Grove. Never before had we seen such fruit laden trees. The limbs were drooping to the ground under the abundant weight of the tangelos! We each (not Molly as the shoulder still won't allow such stuff) picked , or rather cut, five gallon buckets full of tangelos ($5.00 per bucket). These are the sweetest, easiest peeling fruit we've had! We had great fun filling our buckets and eating our fill of the tasty citrus.

The latest shoulder update is: It still hurts like crazy; I can't do much with it; I still do my "exercises" of pulling it up over my head and trying to get it as straight as possible; It still hurts like crazy; It is painful to type too much (or do much anything)......You get the picture! What I thought would just be a "minor" procedure has turned out to be a major issue....but it's all good, as I am (I think) getting better each day and it should be healing up soon. Dr. says I can have therapy after 6 weeks (it's only been just seems like it's been three months!) and then about 4 months till recovery. I try not to whine too much.........and remember that "It's all good".

Saturday evening was "Chicken-n-Dumplins" night; Bob helped cook! I made a Hummingbird cake (with Bob's help) for Jo's birthday, which is Sunday, and Jim & Jo joined us for a simple Southern style dinner.

On Friday we toured the old downtown area of Yuma including the old Lutes Casino, which was a casino and saloon at the turn of the century and has been pretty much preserved. It is no longer a casino but still operates as a saloon or grill in the old town area. We then met some other buddies at The Happy Greek Chef for a great dinner in town and headed back to the Foothills.

We plan to get up for early (8:00) Church tomorrow and then meet for breakfast at the Donut shop after Church. It is Jo Ellen's birthday so we will celebrate with her. Looking forward to tomorrow!

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