Thank goodness for for these lithe, strong guys, able to just about leap up two flights of stairs and skip back down with armoires and vanities like they weighed almost nothing! ....well, maybe it wasn't quite that easy...but they sure were alot of help and got the truck loaded in about three hours. Everything wouldn't fit in the 24 footer, but they packed it tight and sure tried hard! We then proceeded to corral all the items that didn't make it onto the truck into the livingroom and started cleaning and tidying up.
We were all pretty much pooped by 2 pm so we took power naps, then met up at Old Ellicott City for dinner at a little Mexican restaurant there. Ellicott City is a quaint village adjacent to Catonsville. This once booming mill town was established in 1772 when three Ellicott brothers ventured down from Buck County, PA, constructed the flour mill, and watched it grow into one of the largest milling towns in the East. These brothers introduced fertilizer to local farmers and convinced them to grow wheat instead of tobacco, thus providing grain to be milled in the Ellicott's Mill.
In 1830 the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad built a station in Ellicott City and many "Baltimoreans" built lovely summer homes along the Patapsaco River in both Ellicott and Catonsville. Thus, if you drive the steep, winding roads thru these villages and Oella, you will see many of these "cottages", both grand and modest, some lovingly restored and somewhat reminiscent of the homes seen in the Bar Harbor area of Maine. When in Ellicott or Catonsville, it is often easy to forget that you're in the middle of the huge metropolitan area that is Baltimore, such is the grace about the area. These areas are somewhat insulated from the "rough and tumble" of Baltimore by the huge Patapsaco State Park, which serves as a green and natural barrier between the areas.
It's fun to wander the narrow cobblestone streets and peruse the antique and novelty shops.
We enjoyed a tasty dinner at La Palapa, on the patio area, as it was another lovely evening. The food was great, but the service was out of whack!! Our poor waitress seemed to forget most everything, including our plates! But it was all good and we had another fun evening.
Tiff and Scott
Jimmy, Tiff, Bob, Cindy, and Scott Jimmy and Cindy
After dinner, it was back to Scott and Tiff's for another game of Acquire.
Later, after Bob defeated us yet again, we feasted on a little Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese icing. (This is my sister Wanda's icing recipe and it really is YUMMY.... she makes the BEST Carrot Cake!) It was quickly discovered that Cindy is the "Icing Queen" as she was stealing everyone's icing! Scott capitulated and she scarfed up most of his icing!!!
Click on the arrow below to see the slide show of Cindy's attack and victory over Scott:
Hugs to everyone!
All the talk of Ellicott City and Catonsville is making us homesick. Aside from all the work we hope you are having a good time. Still trying to sell the house but no luck yet but maybe soon. Who knows. Hope to see you down the road for a game of Aquire. Jesse
Your so lucky we had no help at all. Oh well I lived thru it and maybe better for it. I am glad that is a all behind us. Glad to see that you are doing well.
Joe and Sherri
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