So we headed to Powhatan and had a great visit and enjoyed their company and their lovely home!

Sue had marvelous appetizers and we enjoyed our time on the back deck, just like we used to in Warsaw.

Of course, their new home is just delightful, and I was really pleased to see one of my Mom's old, hand painted plates hanging on their kitchen wall.(Junie saved it during our "moving" process!) They have a knack for making everything they do turn our just perfectly and it is always a joy to see and spend time with them.
We ended the evening back at the farm and watched some Olympics with the kids before heading to the MH for another night sleeping with the cool breeze blowing in!
Hugs to all!!
Hi Bob & Molly,
Just wanted to say HI and hope you guys are having lots of fun with family and friends. We have really been thinking about Kristy a lot and are praying for her during this long and painful illness. Please give her our love and tell her we are sending lots of prayers her way.
Hugs to both of you and and we hope we see you down the road soon.
Pat (and Mike)
Hey, when are you two going to hit the road again? We have a long weekend this week and then back at it again. So here we go....We are headed up to look at a new RV...who knows we may have one here soon. LOL
Joe and Sherri
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