We scooted on up the road taking I 24 West and North up through Kentucky. Near Paducah, we got off I24 and traveled old Route 60 following it to the conflux of the Ohio River and the Mississippi, where the two join to make the wide and mighty Mississippi as it flows to the ocean. Now this is an older two lane road and it leads you to two bridges; the first one is a narrow, overhead steel span which is in Illinois and spans the Ohio River. Driving thru the flood plains to the next bridge, more narrow than the first, you cross the Mississipi into Missouri.
Driving the motorhome across the first bridge we had at least 2" of clearance to spare....the second bridge was 1" if we were lucky!! And you all know how much I LOVE bridges!! NOT!!

The Ohio River span and the(narrower )Mississippi River span
We arrived in Sikeston, Missouri around 5 pm and settled in for the evening at a nice little campground owned by a local farmer and his wife. They suggested we have dinner at world famous Lambert's Restaurant...home of "throwed rolls". We had heard about this restuarant from many people, and decided we would have a go at it.
Wow...what a place indeed! In this tiny farmimg town, Lambert's holds over 500 people and has lines around the block on weekends. You may have seen it on The Travel Channel or Food Network. The food is great county cooking and lots of it!! And of course the famous "throwed rolls". They come around with a cart of huge, light and fluffy rolls, which they toss to you, and you (hopefully) catch them. Then they bring you homemade apple butter and sorghum!!
I failed to take my camera, so no photos of this meal, but it was truly something!
Bob had the "rooster's portion" of chicken fried round steak with mashed potatoes and gravy. They served it to him in a 12' skillet and the steak almost covered the skillet!! Of course, there were also unlimited servings of fried Okra, Macaroni with sweet tomatos, fried potatoes and onions, black eyed peas. Oh, and turnip greens, candied yams, and cornbread! We have enough leftovers to dine on for several days!! I really think this was cheaper than buying groceries...and was sure alot more fun!!
It was hot today...92 degrees when we arrived in Sikeston and only 79 overnight...so very warm and should remain so for a day or two. It is also very windy, especially on the open road. It is easy to see how they spawn lots of tornadoes out this way.
Tomorrow we should arrive at Branson, unless we stay around here a little longer.
(Paul....you should see the tractors here....hundreds of them. There is a huge farm equipment auction site just down the road. Have you outgrown Dad's tractor yet??? :)
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