Driving thru Deadwood, the cell phone rang and....it was Jason Patton, our realtor in Warsaw, with the news that he had a good contract for our house!! The cell signal was so bad that we had to make about 6 repeat calls, but we finally got all the details and "got 'er done"....so by the time we arrived in Sundance, Wyoming, he had emailed the contract to us, we printed it and had it faxed back within the hour. Thank goodness for the electronic communications of today! So this is exciting and we will now have to focus on getting "moved".... I guess we will get it straight soon.

About Sundance, Wyoming....you've probably not heard of Harry Longbaugh from Mont Clare, Pennsylvania. Not too much is known of him in his young years, but in the late 1880's he first ran afoul of the law for rustling cattle in Sundance, Wyoming. He served his first jail sentence in Sundance and soon after his release he got involved in bank and train robberies, ending up with Butch Cassidy and what was known as the "Wild Bunch" of Western outlaws. Thus, we all know of The Sundance Kid, as Harry Longbaugh became well known, due to his first imprisonment here in the Town of Sundance.
Again, bright blue skies, no humidity and a slight breeze keeps you feeling really lovely all the time. Going to be in the upper 40's here tonight and low 80's tomorrow. I might get used to this!!! Well the 80's part...but the 40's part is too chilly for me!!
We wish a Happy Anniversary to both of our kids this week....son Paul and our favorite daughter-in-law, Katie on June 17th and daughter, Tiffany and our favorite son-in-law, Scott, on the 20th!! We love you all so much and are very proud of who you are!! We are grateful to have you in our lives!!
Tomorrow we will try to make the trip to Devil's Tower and catch up with Howie and Norah Glover!
Hugs to each of you!
GREAT news on the contract for your house!!!
Congratulations on the contract on your house. Now the real fun begins! (:
Hugs........Pat and Mike
Great news on your house. Enjoy! Enjoy! From Chilly Pa.
Tom & Paula
Thanks Mom! The blackhills do look lovely. The wildlife photos are great too!
We miss you! I'm headed back home this afternoon, so I'll give a call when I hit the road.
Love you,
The Black Hills are really beautiful. Congrats on your house. Do you know Tiff never said a word yesterday or this am about her anniversary? She helped me get my computers running right. So I think I will make a bedroom here for her so she can visit anytime she wants. She really worked hard this week at Kristy's. Thanks for such a really nice and lovely niece. You are so lucky to have such a gifted daughter. Miss you. KK
BIG Congrats on the house contract! What exciting news!! We're very happy for you!
Ellie & Jim
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